Innovation in the era of Digital Transformation: from Silicon valley to Seoul
CategoryYonsei Forum
Study Time08:16:27
These are the recorded videos through Zoom meeting during the webinar for ITMS course of the Graduate School of Information at Yonsei University last Summer in 2021. It is focused on Innovation in the era of Digital Transformation and seven speakers presented a speech for each subject.
#1 – Silicon Valley (R)Evolution(The Miilk 손재권 CEO)
#2 – Concerns of ESG investment(서스틴베스트 류영재 대표)
#3 – Concerns of Mobility industries(차두원 모빌리티연구소 차두원 소장)
#4 – Recycling business based on the digital technologies(수퍼빈 김정빈 대표)
#5 – Start-up companies in the POST-COVID-19 Era(TBT Partners 임정욱 대표)
#6 – Concert industries in the era of Metaverse with AMAZEVR(AMAZEVR 이승준 CEO)
#7 – Some Lessons From My Startup Journey(Tapas Media 김창원 CEO)
디지털, 디지털 전환, 디지털 트랜스포메이션, Digital Transformation, 포럼
CategoryYonsei Forum
Study Time08:16:27